
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.


Ubqari Magazine - May 2013

[MiyanManzoorChisthi; Kamalia]

Respected Hakeem Sahab Assalam-0-alaikum! Your magazine UBQARI is marvelous. It provides every type of guidance; our whole family is fond of reading this magazine. We wait whole month anxiously for it. I am writing one of my memorable incidents to a magazine for the first time in my life. I hope readers would like it. It is an incident of 1967. One of my very good friend named MiyanNazeerChisthiis an honest carpenter. Once we bet to spend 4 hours in a grave. From 12 am to 4 am. My friend agreed upon it and a grave was dug. We placed pipes of 13 inches containing holes for ventilation. My friend laid down in it at exactly 12 am and we closed the grave from above. We waited restlessly till 4 am; when we dug the grave in the morning at 4 am we saw that he was unconscious and his complexion which was red and golden like an apple had turned to black.

We hurried him out and poured water in his mouth. After some time he became conscious, he was totally stunned. We took him to his house where his family refused to recognize him. On the surety of friends etc they recognized him. After 3, 4 days when his condition became stable we asked him about what happened in the grave. He said: I took cigarettes with me in the grave. When you people closed down the grave I took out one cigarette and the moment I tried to lit it up, suddenly a very burning flare of fire came towards me from one side and a piece of wheat bread came from the other side. That piece of wheat bread pushed the fire away. This incident was not totally over when another fire came from the other side and that piece of wheat bread pushed it away as well. After that I became unconscious and when I came in my senses I was with you people. Then he told us that once he gave food to a traveler which saved him from that fire. After that incident MiyanNazeer use to spend more than 70% of his income in the way of Allah and fed people.


[Dr. RasheedHussain; Islamabad]

Respected Hakeem Sahab Assalam-0-alaikum! I have been reading your magazine since many years. I haven’t seen a better magazine than this one. Respected Hakeem Sahab! I am a doctor and my whole life has passed in fulfilling my duty in prisons. I have seen many people being hanged to death in my life but one incident that I can never forget is as follows:

At that time I was posted to Mach (Balochistan). I regularly used to visit the central jail of that area. In that jail, there was a prisoner who was sentenced to death. His name was HameedBaloch and he belonged to Kalat (Balochistan). He was arrested in a false case of murder. He was tall, broad and was a very handsome young man. He was a man of noble character. His enemies were politically very strong. They proved him guilty of murder just because of their personal differences. I had a short conversation with him in which I came to know that he was fond of servicing for suppressed humanity. One day before his hanging I went to meet the superintendent of jail where I saw that the Balochi mates of HameedBalochwere telling him that when you will go for execution in the morning call out ‘Change’ (inqilab) with a loud voice and  in reply we will say “ZINDABAD”…….

When I heard their conversation, I said to HameedBaloch that son! You are going to Allah, and nobody will be alive or dead by your saying. If you will instead recite KALMA then it would be better for your own sake. Ponder upon my advice. Thenext morning I also went to the execution pier. HameedBalochwas brought to the hanging place and when they were about to put black veil on him then as per rules they asked him about his last wish. On this he said that it is my request to all of you to strengthen your relation with Allah, start offering SALAH. After that, he kept on reciting KALMA and he was hung till death.

I was reciting SURAH YASEEN at that time. It happens usually that after being hungto death, a person writhes for sometimes and when the veil is uplifted from his face then his eyes seems to bulge out and tongue is pressed under his teeth. But the soul of HameedBaloch left his body before I finished SURAH YASEEN and when the veil was uplifted from his face then it was seen that both his eyes and tongue were in normal condition….. And his face looked like as if an innocent child is sleeping.

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